Dream Self

How to Feel Like Your Highest Self

August 4, 2024

Learn how to embody your highest self and transform your life. Find practical advice and inspiration in this blog post.

I'm maya!

I'm a recovering perfectionist and over achiever who decided I'd rather life feel like a good time. I developed a habit building framework allows me to create my dream life in ways that feel natural and fun, not grueling, and I can't wait to share it with you :)


Here at Gentler, our main grab is shifting into your Dream Self and watching her life unfold around you. So how do you get to the point where you can truly feel like your highest self? Keep reading this post for some fun ideas!

Highest Self Tips

Have a Morning Meditation Session

If you’ve been on Pinterest for like 5 minutes, you’ve heard the phrase, “Visualize your highest self, and show up as her.” While it may be a little cliché at this point, the phrase rings true. The more time you spend picturing your highest self and really feeling into her emotions, the easier it will be to act as her.

So, when you wake up in the morning, spend a few minutes with your eyes closed seeing her life. It could be zoomed in with just how her morning looks or a zoomed out approach where you envision her life as a whole. It’s up to you, but I suggest a mixture of both. Don’t forget about the emotions! That’s going to be what allows you to really recreate that vision when you current reality still differs.

Create a Strong Morning Routine

Obviously, the morning starts your day, so try to get yourself on the best foot possible with a strong Dream Self morning routine. Get hydrated, spend time with your morning rituals, get into an outfit that makes you feel like her, and really feel into those highest self emotions you uncovered in your meditation. You can really ramp up the vibes with a Dream Self playlist that sets the tone.

A strong night routine helps, too! Read this post for some night routine inspiration.

Move Your Body

Exercise does so much to improve our mood, and even just a 10-minute walk everyday can help you feel like your highest self. Plus the confidence you gain from creating a strong body goes so far. If you’re not the fitness type, you probably haven’t found a workout method that agrees with you yet. Try out different things, and make it an adventure!

Nourish Yourself 

The things we put in our body matter, so take some time to make sure you’re fueling yourself the way you need. That’s not to say you can enjoy your treats, but make sure you’re also giving yourself energy. When you can marry the two, that’s great! Lately, I’ve been opting for protein-rich snacks that will keep me going during long school days, but make sure you do your own research and consult a medical professional before doing anything drastic, especially if you have dietary concerns.

Get Your Water

Omg, I cannot stress this enough! There is no way to feel like your highest self with a dehydration headache. You *have* to drink your water. There’s a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about how much water you need, but I find that half my body weight in ounces makes me feel best throughout the day without spending half of it peeing.

Set Some Goals

We need some direction in our lives, and that comes down to our goals and habits. Now, you don’t want to be arbitrary about this. Consider your current position with all the different areas of your life and set goals that make sense for your current self and not necessarily your Dream Self. For example, if you struggle to save money now, it probably wouldn’t be wise to set a goal to save $500 a week without some serious systems in place. You might want to start smaller to build the habit and to show yourself that you’re capable of follow through. I have a whole blog post on goal setting that will be super helpful here!

Touch Grass

Spend some time outside reconnecting with nature and centering yourself. Spending time in nature can help to lower your stress levels, improve your mood, and improve your attention and memory (source). Time in nature can also help you to sleep better, and if no one else has told you, your highest self is well-rested!

Find a Muse

A strong role model is key is showing up as your highest self. When you can learn from someone else’s actions and mistakes, you can take a more streamlined approach to your goals. Keep in mind, this isn’t someone for you to copy. Your Dream Self journey is yours and yours only. It’s simply a model.

If you don’t know anyone in real life who can be your model, that’s okay! I love reading books and watching shows and movies that feature characters that remind me of my Dream Self or that even muster up Dream Self emotions. For some reason, The Devil Wears Prada makes me want to just get ish done!

Cultivate a Gratitude Mindset

Gratitude is so, so important for your Dream Self journey. When you can maintain a mindset that focuses on opportunity and the bright spots in your life, you can find more of them. Remember, this isn’t to say that you should just ignore the negativity in your life or push it away, but there are ways to look at things in a “half-full” sort of way. Give yourself what you need when you need it.

Stay Connected

We weren’t meant to do life alone, and connecting with other people is a great way feel like your highest self. Your Dream Self feels loved. She doesn’t depend on others’ validation, but she knows she is supported and that others care about her. Send a text to the friend group chat and get together. Go visit your grandma. Focus on letting your personal relationships flourish and energize you. This doesn’t have to be blood family, either! Chosen family is just as important and more if you have a challenging relationship with those you’re related to.

Organize Your Space

When your environment is organized, your thoughts can be more organized, and that’s where your Dream Self will flourish. You can’t focus on being your highest self when you’re tripping over dirty socks on the floor or spending 20 minutes looking for clean dishes each time you want a snack. Create some systems that keep your home (mostly) clean, and focus on making organization a habit.

Spend Time with a Hobby

Hobbies are fun, low-stakes ways to feel like your highest self. What does she do in her free time? How can you start integrating some of those things in your current life? When you spend time doing your hobbies, you have a direct line with your Dream Self, so dive in. Need some hobby ideas? Check out this post. Also, I like to go back to what I loved as a kid. Believe it or not, your child self probably was more connected to your Dream Self than you think!

To sum it up…

When you can feel like your highest self, you act like her. Finding ways to feel like your Dream Self everyday will speed up the process of achieving your dream life. If you need more direction on exactly who your Dream Self is, I have a freebie! Grab my free ‘Design Your Dream Self’ workbook to get clear on WHO she is and HOW you can become her. Happy self-caring!

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I'm Maya, your self care strategist

I'm a recovering perfectionist and over achiever who decided I'd rather life feel like a good time. So, I developed a habit building framework allows me to create my dream life in ways that feel natural and fun, not grueling, and I can't wait to share it with you :)

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