Dream Self

What to Do If You’re Feeling Lonely

June 5, 2024

Feeling lonely? Discover practical and heartfelt ways to overcome loneliness in your twenties and thirties.

I'm maya!

I'm a recovering perfectionist and over achiever who decided I'd rather life feel like a good time. I developed a habit building framework allows me to create my dream life in ways that feel natural and fun, not grueling, and I can't wait to share it with you :)


Life after college can be super alienating, especially when you start a new job or move cities. Loneliness is so common in your twenties and thirties, so I’m sure we all feel it at times. Keep reading for some ideas on things to do if you’re feeling lonely.

Things to Do If You’re Feeling Lonely

Text Your Friends

One quick way to ward off loneliness is to reach out to your friends. Send a meme, plan a catch up call, or ask to get coffee. However, I wouldn’t recommend texting your situationship when you’re feeling lonely since those relationships often don’t pour into us the way we need when we’re feeling low.

Join a Facebook Group

If you have a hobby you love or one that you’re trying to get into, join a Facebook group around it! I’m in Facebook groups for all my hobbies, and it’s fun to connect with other people who are interested in the same things, even if they’re virtual buddies. Here is my favorite one for reading!

Adopt a Pet

This one is a big responsibility but has such a huge payoff. I have two dogs who show such unconditional love it’s unreal. Having a pet is also a great way to add structure to your day, get out in nature, and take much needed pauses. Just make sure you research the animal you’re interested in and that you’re truly up to the challenge!

Have a Solo Dance Party

Exercise releases endorphins that raise your mood and help you shed those feelings of loneliness. If you have to be by yourself, put on some of your favorite music, and start dancing. Added bonus? You’ll be ready for a great night’s sleep.

Romanticize Your Alone Time

There is absolutely nothing wrong with spending time by yourself, and sometimes that’s just the situation that we find ourselves in. The best thing to do is to make it time that you genuinely look forward to. Dim the lights, light a candle, play ambient music in your home, make dinner a sacred time. There are so many things you can do to make your alone time truly feel special. You can also use the time for some fun self care. Click here to grab my 101 Self Care Ideas freebie!

Plan a Group Trip

Texting friends is great for the interim, but don’t forget to plan some face to face time too, even if you all live in different areas. Put your heads together and plan a trip that actually makes it out of the group chat, and then commit to doing it at least every couple of years. If you’re looking for something more affordable, take turns hosting the group or meet somewhere local for an afternoon.

Watch a Comfort Show

Sometimes, you just need a security blanket. If you have a comfort show (or five), put one on and get comfy. Remember, this shouldn’t necessarily be your go-to remedy, and you should implement some other things alongside or beforehand, like reaching out to friends or even inviting someone over to watch with you.

Join a Group Fitness Class

Endorphins and human interaction? A group fitness class has both. Try signing up for yoga or Pilates (or whatever class you like) and make an effort to speak to at least one more person. Bonus points for inviting them to coffee after class!

Join (or Start) a New Group

Joining a group gives you a dedicated time to be in the company of others. Join a book club, a knitting circle, a running club or whatever else you find. If nothing is established around you yet, don’t be afraid of starting your own group!

Start Showing Up

If you’re like me, you agree to a ton of stuff, and then when the time comes, you have this overwhelming urge to cancel. Fight that urge at least once. Actually show up and see if you don’t have a good time. Getting out more also lets you learn more about yourself and what you like, and a bad experience can always lead you to a better one. 

To sum it up…

Loneliness is a part of growing up, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing we can do about it. Remember, you’re not alone even when you feel alone.

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I'm Maya, your self care strategist

I'm a recovering perfectionist and over achiever who decided I'd rather life feel like a good time. So, I developed a habit building framework allows me to create my dream life in ways that feel natural and fun, not grueling, and I can't wait to share it with you :)

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