Self Care

Self-Love Ideas: 25 Activities You’ll Love

February 3, 2024

Explore 25 self-love ideas, from spa days to solo movie nights, designed to celebrate your worth and make you feel like That Girl.

I'm maya!

I'm a recovering perfectionist and over achiever who decided I'd rather life feel like a good time. I developed a habit building framework allows me to create my dream life in ways that feel natural and fun, not grueling, and I can't wait to share it with you :)


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Self-love is such an underrated concept. Sure, we talk about it a lot, but when it comes to practicing it, we often fall short. Keep reading for 25 self-love ideas that will put YOU on a pedestal and help you feel like your own #1 girl.

25 Self-Love Ideas

Book a Spa Day

Show yourself some luxurious self love with a spa experience. Book a weekend or overnight stay at a glamorous location, or go the DIY route and give yourself an at-home experience. I’m stocking up on my favorite masks for the perfect spa weekend in.

Buy a Plant

There are countless benefits to owning plants, and it could even make it easier to show yourself love. Something fun to try is using the affirmations you tell yourself to your plant. You could even name it after yourself to drive the point further.

Write a Self-Love Letter

Love letters are beautiful romantic gestures, but they are also great opportunities for self-love. Write yourself a letter on some beautiful stationary and include all the beautiful things you love about yourself. Put it somewhere safe and pull it out to read whenever you need a boost of self-love.

Have a Reading Retreat

Do you have a stack of books collecting dust that you’ve been meaning to read for ages? Same. Set aside some weekend time to put on some comfy loungewear, brew your favorite tea, play some relaxing music, and just relax and read. Be sure to eliminate distractions like your phone, so you can really dive in.

Fitness Class Subscription

Fitness is a great way to shower yourself and your body in love. You don’t have to have a specific weight in mind, probably better if you don’t. Just use the time to get cute in some workout clothes and strengthen the body that takes care of you everyday.

Cook a Gourmet Meal

There’s nothing quite as loving as a home-cooked meal, so why not make one for yourself? Spend time picking out the best ingredients, perfect your cooking playlist, and use your best dishes. Not much of a chef? Order takeout or make reservations for yourself at a restaurant you’ve been eyeing. 

Create a Self-Love Vision Board

Vision boarding is one of my favorite activities because it is a time for you to just focus on what would make you the happiest, most empowered, most loved version of yourself. Spend a few hours with your favorite show in the background and sit on Pinterest picking out the images that inspire you the most. Save it as your wallpaper so you see it everyday and you’re more likely to make it a reality.

Do a Self-Love Art Project

Art is such a mindful activity that allows you really intentionally spend time with yourself. Choose a medium and spend some time drawing, painting, doing pottery, or whatever other art project speaks to you. Check out the Gentler Shop for my favorite paint-by-numbers kit!

Upgrade Your Look

A fun way to show yourself self-love is to work on getting your outer appearance to mirror the way you feel about yourself. Maybe try a new hairstyle, or test out some different makeup looks. You could also start purchasing pieces to elevate your wardrobe. For a more budget friendly options, grab some quality press-on nails or host a clothing swap party with your friends. 

Have a Museum or Gallery Date

Museums and galleries are great, budget-friendly ways to spend time with yourself or the people closest to you. Visit one and just take some time to be present and appreciate other people’s creations. It might even inspire something of your own.

Have a Movie Night

Time to pull out the comfy pajamas and snacks! Host a solo movie night (or invite some people over) and play your all-time favorites. Make sure you’re being present and really enjoying yourself by putting away the phones and maybe make some movie bingo cards for an extra fun element. 

Create a Self-Love Playlist

Music is a great way to tap into your Dream Self and cover yourself in self-love. Create a playlist that makes you feel like your favorite version of yourself and makes you feel showered in love. Listen to it in the mornings or another part of the day when it’s best.

Draw Up a Luxurious Bath

Baths are such a cozy time and a great way to practice self-love. Grab some good products (think oils, soaps, etc.) and set aside some nice pjs for afterward. Spend the time just relaxing and reflecting on all the things you love about yourself and how you’re going to be better for yourself.

Upgrade Your Bedding

After that bath, it’s time to have an amazing sleep. Invest in some quality bedding or at least change the sheets and blankets on your bed to your spare set. You’ll feel so much better getting into a clean bed after your soak.


Have a Photo Shoot

Let yourself be the star of the moment and have a photo shoot! You could book a photographer, grab your bestie, or just put your phone on self-timer mode. Get dressed up, and just have fun being That Girl. 

Wine Tasting

Wine tasting is always a “yes” for me. Not much sounds better than a sophisticated outing surrounded by incredible views and even more incredible people if you bring your friends. If you’re not a drinker, that’s okay! Maybe a spa retreat would be a better fit.

Take a Cooking Class

A cooking class is fun way to learn something new and do something for yourself at the same time. If you’ve been feeling like you’re in a dinner slump lately, brush up on your skills and gain points towards a new cuisine in a cooking class.

Have Some Hobby Time

If you’re like me, then you have a ton of hobbies that you once loved but haven’t been able to make time for lately. Hobbies are great because it’s time you can just spend with yourself without the pressures of performance. It’s totally okay to be bad a hobby, as long as you enjoy yourself while doing it. Set aside a few hours this week just for the hobby of your choice. 

Take a Dance Class

Dance is a such an amazing opportunity for expression, and contrary to common belief, anyone can do it (trust me, I’m a dance teacher). Book a class solo or with friends, if you need support. If there’s not much available in your area, there are plenty of videos online you can try.

Plan a Trip

Travel is always a fun option, and it doesn’t have to be an extravagant expense. Traveling gives you a chance to get inspired, relax, and learn more about yourself in a new place. If a major journey isn’t in your budget this year, try visiting a new location closer to home or even planning a staycation in your area. Invite friends, or take the trip solo (just make sure to do plenty of research for safety!).

Do an Inner Child Activity

I truly believe that understanding and nurturing our inner children gives us the tools to really make a permanent shift into our Dream Selves. Tap into your inner child by doing an activity you loved doing as a kid. Gaming was super fun for me growing up, and now, I have a ton of fun doing it as an adult. Don’t worry about it being age appropriate, either. If you feel like finger painting, then go finger paint!

Create a Gratitude Jar

Gratitude jars are a fun visual way to keep yourself centered and focused on the good things happening in your life. When we go through difficult times and struggles, something that often happens is that we feel our hope for a better future start to dwindle. Having a regular gratitude jar allows you to maintain and even grow that hope in spite of your circumstances. Take some small slips of paper and write down different things you’re grateful for. Put all the slips in a jar, and when you need a gratitude boost, pull one of them out. Take it a step further by applying some kind of action to gratitude statement you have written down.

Spend Time in Nature

Getting out in nature is another great way to spend time with yourself while focusing on being mindful. If you’re not a super outdoorsy person, it doesn’t have to be an intense camping weekend. Even a quick walk in the park or your neighborhood will do the trick. I would say leave your phone at home, but use your best judgement on that—we gotta stay safe!

Deep Clean Your Space

An ultimate show of self-love is a good cleaning of your space. You setting aside the time and making the effort to create a comfortable, functional space for yourself will do so much good in raising your self-importance in a healthy way. Give yourself a reward for your hard work and take a trip to the thrift store (or TJ Maxx, who are we kidding?) for some new decor pieces that will make your home feel more like your home.

Have a Self-Love Rot Day

Sometimes all you need is a good rot day. Take a shower, put on some clean loungewear, gather up your favorite snacks, queue up your shows, and just lay in bed. Make sure you create a strong exit strategy, so this rot day doesn’t last longer than planned (like meeting up with a friend or even having to go to work), and just lay around enjoying yourself. Quieting the voice that says you *have* to be doing something to be productive will go a long way on the self-love route. 

Self-love has so many incredible benefits, but when you are regularly making time and effort in your own happiness, it makes the hard part in goal work and dream life building so much easier. You’ll be better at understanding that you deserve the absolute best, even if that doesn’t offer an easy solution. Want some more self-love ideas? Click here to grab my 101 Self Care Ideas freebie straight to your inbox!

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I'm Maya, your self care strategist

I'm a recovering perfectionist and over achiever who decided I'd rather life feel like a good time. So, I developed a habit building framework allows me to create my dream life in ways that feel natural and fun, not grueling, and I can't wait to share it with you :)

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